Monday 9 April 2012

It's all Swings and Round a bouts or is it?

It's funny how you take for granted some of the things you think, say or even remember. I say this because only recently I was actually wrong in the way I was thinking. I was putting a lot of emphasis on the negatives and not focusing on the positives in life. It's hard when you're always tired I suppose but it's not nice for the person you're with. So Saturday I got snapped out of it very abruptly.

When someone tells you something and it makes an impact you know you've got to change. So from now on every time I think, say or even remember something it has to be in a positive way. I know as much as anyone else how important it is to be positive, but you slip into these bad habits. So, like a chocoholic fiend over the Easter weekend whose eaten themself silly, I'm going cold Turkey. Can't do without the chocolate so it's got to be gone with the negative thoughts. Lets see how I do.

The other thing I thought I knew but also didn't remember correctly is the word for the thing that goes round in the park. As we have little ones we've now started taking them to the playground. Upon a friend of mine saying something about Roundabouts not being Roundabouts, that they were actually called something else. For days we pondered what it could be. Is it so hard to remember anything these days. I lost my bank card for the second time in 2 weeks yesterday and thank goodness found it again today. So, still not functioning up to speed yet. Will I ever?

Anyway back to the Roundabout story. Of course I'd been doing the Internet Google thing but for some reason I wasn't getting the answer I was looking for. My friend was adamant it wasn't a Roundabout. So, there I was lay in bed and of course it popped into my head what it was called. I texted my friend immediately this sort of thing can drive you batty you know. Doh, of course. The answer was simple, but I have to say, I had to say it to myself a couple of times in my head before I was convinced it was right, it just seems such a strange word.

Anyway, I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about but Zebbedde might disagree. If you don't I'll add it to the title of my next blog. So see you then.

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